Last week EUCROF held its Fall General Assembly for 2020. Due to the continued travel restrictions associated to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the GA was held remotely on 3rd and 4th December. It was attended by over 40 participants, which was the highest number ever for such a meeting!
The GA marked the end of the second mandate for the current Executive Board and therefore, in accordance with EUCROF’s Bylaws, there was a vote for the Executive Board held on the morning of 4th.
EUCROF is pleased to confirm that the Executive Board was unanimously re-elected by the attending Full Members and will serve for the next 2 years.
EUCROF’s President, Dr Martine Dehlinger-Kremer says of the re-election “I am so pleased and honoured that the Full Members of EUCROF have shown their trust and faith in the Executive Board members once again for a third mandate. We have been working together for the last 4 years, striving to achieve EUCROF’s objectives and priorities and have seen EUCROF’s status and recognition as a Federation increase with other stakeholders such as other European and Global industry associations, with the European Medicines Agency, the European Commission, and with Patients Associations. As we head into the next two years, where the regulatory landscape of Europe will change significantly with the planned implementation of the EU Clinical Trial Regulation, the Executive Board renews its commitment to keep EUCROF at the forefront of influencing this change, and to continue to build EUCROF’s strategic collaborations together with the expansion of EUCROF’s reach within Europe as well as in other continents”.
EUCROF Executive Board consists of the following: