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New Membership Information
If you are considering becoming a Member of EUCROF, please read the following:
Members of the Federation can exclusively be either legal entities of national Associations of CROs registered in at least one European country, or legal entities of private companies mainly working in Clinical Research Services and registered in at least one European country.
To become a Member, you should apply in writing to the Executive Board and provide the Articles (statutes/by-laws) of your CRO Association, objectives and conditions for the membership of your Association (all translated into English) to the EUCROF Secretariat.
The Executive Board will determine whether your application meets the membership criteria and, in particular, whether the objectives of your CRO Association correspond with those of EUCROF.
Based on the recommendations of the Executive Board, the General Assembly meeting will finally decide whether your CRO Association can become a new EUCROF member.We are looking forward to hearing from you and hope to welcome you as a member of EUCROF!
New Associate Member
If you are considering becoming an Associate Member of EUCROF, please read the following:
Please contact our Secretariat and provide the following information:
Please send your application form to: EUCROF Secretariat
We are looking forward to welcoming you as an Associate Member of EUCROF!