What a memorable Conference!
More than 320 delegates attended the 5th European Conference on Clinical Research organized by EUCROF on 10 – 11 February 2020 in Amsterdam, NL. Very high-level speakers, together with enthusiastic participants, discussed over two days the matter of “Science, Technology and Regulations Coming Together for Better Patients’ Health”.
With many side and business meetings, great topics and excellent speakers, there was a new and exciting dynamism among all stakeholders, including representatives of regulatory bodies, ethic committees, patients’ organisations, academia and industry from all the regions of the world. Discussions driven by new technologies were acknowledging effective solutions and, at the same time, still few challenges in those innovative fields.
This 5th EUCROF Conference has been the largest so far, being a true recognition of a great team effort and an exciting content.
We look forward to seeing you all at our next Conference in Madrid in February 2022!