Partnering for Patients Conference
28 May 2021
On Friday 28 May 2021, the Greek Patients Association, the Hellenic Association of CROs (HACRO), the Pharma Innovation Forum Greece, the Hellenic Association of Pharmaceutical Companies (SFEE), the Panhellenic Union of Pharmaceutical Industry (PEF), together with the Association of Representatives of Pharmaceuticals & Specialties (SAFEE) are organising the
Partnering for Patients Conference
We are pleased to inform you that Dr Martine Dehlinger-Kremer, EUCROF President, will be presenting on “Working in Partnership with Patients for Better Clinical Trials”, while Evangelia Koraki, President of HACRO, will be chairing the session “Involving Patients in Research”.
Herewith the link:
May 24, 2021