EUCROF Paediatric Training
(12 September 2023 – Rome, Italy)
On the 12th of September 2023, in Rome (Italy), in cooperation with the Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, the EUCROF Paediatric Working Group organised the Training “Essentials of Paediatric Clinical Research – What you need to know when preparing, conducting and monitoring paediatric clinical trials”
The aim was to provide an overview of the regulatory landscape for paediatric research, review specifics and most important challenges with corresponding solutions in paediatric drug development.
Following the training, entirely in presence, participants became familiar with the ethical and regulatory issues, specific protocol considerations and age groups, Informed Consent and Assent processes, drug formulations, safety specificities, recruitment, enrolment, and clinical monitoring specificities, as well as site interactions, relationships with paediatric research networks and infrastructures.
Dr Martine Dehlinger-Kremer, EUCROF President and Chair of the Paediatric Working Group (in the picture together with Paolo Rossi and Francesca Rocchi, both from the Paediatric Hospital Bambino Gesù), congratulated all the speakers for the excellent presentations. The Training was a great event with excellent content and discussions. EUCROF is very grateful to Paolo Rossi and Francesca Rocchi and to the Hospital Bambino Gesù for having made this event possible and for its success.