In the framework of the third EPTRI (European Paediatric Translational Research Infrastructure) General Assembly Meeting, held in Madrid on March 27-28th, an Open Day Meeting was organised on March 27th at the Ministry of Health.
The meeting has foreseen a dedicated roundtable with the EU Stakeholders held in the afternoon session, involving representatives from Paediatric Networks, Research Infrastructures, European Reference Networks, Charities, Patients’ Associations, YPAGs, Companies’ Federations, Regulatory Agencies, Governments and Authorities to promote the entrance of EPTRI in a global framework of partnership able to strengthen paediatric research.
Dr Martine Dehlinger-Kremer was invited to present EUCROF as one of the EPTRI Stakeholders involved in the design of the future Research Infrastructure. She highlighted the importance to develop and implement innovative methods for paediatric research, which may differ from the ones used in adult research, as they would need to be adapted to paediatric research. She also pointed out that “a Federation such as EUCROF would be in a position to promote the use of new innovative methods for better medicines for children.“