6th European Conference on Clinical Research
The 6th European Conference on Clinical Research took place on 07 & 08 February 2022 in Madrid (Spain) as a hybrid conference.
In total there were 271 participants, 174 present in Madrid, with 97 joining on-line.
The feedback of the conference has been very positive so far. Delegates appreciated the content and quality scientific programme, dealing with the important changes we are currently facing in clinical research and what is ahead of us for 2022 and beyond.
Meeting again in person was mentioned by many participants as highly appreciated.
EUCROF wishes to thank all participants, both those who joined on-line and those who were in person in Madrid.
We are very grateful to all the speakers and panellists for their excellent presentations, and outstanding exchanges. Thanks to the session chairs and all attendees for the fruitful discussions. We are much obliged to our sponsors and exhibitors: we couldn’t have done this without them. We wish to recognise the Programme, Organising and Communication Committees. Our deepest gratitude to the agency AIM, which supported this Conference and was paramount to ensuring it progressed so smoothly.
We are looking forward to seeing you on 26 and 27 February 2024, when we plan to hold the 7th European Conference on Clinical Research!
EUCROF Executive Board

February 11, 2022